Monday, December 20, 2010

that smile.

I have writers block.
I have no emotion that I feel. I hate not having things to write about. I was hoping to start this blog with lots of things to write about, but it seems as though I don't. I'm hoping something will come along that will inspire me. Maybe I need to do a rant. I do have a lot of things to rant about. But, then again, I am on a mission of Self Improvement, and one of my weakness's that I'm working on is being judegmental and quick to be angered. I, at least, am aware of it and I guess the best I can do is realize when it's beginnning to happen and what I can do to better it.
Well i've nothing much to really write about.
I hope to stop in tomrrow
much love (to basically only you ma, since you the only one who reads this)

1 comment:

  1. I am really enjoying your blog, Beth.
    Even if you feel there is nothing to write, you can still just ramble and, before you know it, there it is!
    There is no right way or wrong way to express your thoughts.
    Keep it up!

