Hi my name is: Elizabeth
But you can call me: Beth Anne
When I'm nervous: i have a hard time talking
Last night: went to rayrays and had a very enjoyable evening
Were you a planned baby? nope
Were you the first?? Suree was
Are your parents still married? notta.
Do you have low self esteem? No, I wouldn't say that I do.
Do you get depressed easily? Ddefinitly not.
Are you comfortable with the way you look? i have no choise but to be
Describe your hair: Brown, long and curlyy
Where do you buy most of your clothes? Syndicate
Ever been kicked out of a bar? Yesssir
Ever drunk dial an ex? I have NO reason to
Can you tie a cherry stem using your tongue? no win
Do you prefer indoors or outdoors? I'd love to spend more time outdoors than I do
Do you like walking in the rain? If it's warm
Do you like thunderstorms? In loveeee
Are you a vegetarian? I could NEVER be
Anything you absolutely could eat forever? KD and cheese *sluurrrpp*
Do you want to get married? it's basically all I want to do!!!
Have you ever been in love? headoverheels atm
Are you in a relationship now? the most amazing one I could ever have asked for
Who was your last kiss? Bikker =] xox
1. Where is your cell phone? Somewhere here.
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? Biker <3
3. Your hair? pony tail, unbrushed
4. Your style? i have no particular style.
5. Cheesecake? dislike.
6. Siblings? Bobby and Jenny
7. Your dream last night? I was far too tired to dream...
8. Your favorite drink? water.
9. Car you want? I'm content with anything that runs and gets me around
10. The room you are in: bedroom
11. Your life goal?: There are a few
12. Your fears?: losing the person I love the most. it would absolutly crush me.
13. Piercings? ears, tongue
14. Tonight? just got back from golden watchin Mmmber and Dorkal play vid games.
15. Last night? party party
16. Check out Superbad? i think, dun remember
17. Things on your wishlist? a happy family
18. Where did you grow up? Windermere
19. Favorite movie? Shrek series
20. What are you wearing? PJs
21. Tattoos? I have none and probably will never get one
22. Ketchup? little on a burger
23. Your computer? is a laptop
24. Your friends? mean a lot
25. Your mood? content
26. Missing? the besties
27. What are you thinking about right now? this joint being rolled
28. Your car/truck is? Bikers red truck
29. Your work? A&W muaha
30. Your summer? was not my best one
31. Your favorite song? They change
32. Your favorite color(s)? pink, blue, green, purple
33. When is the last time you laughed? I ALWAYS laugh
34. Last time you cried? i get...emotional....at times
35. High school? DTSS and Open Doors
36. Last text? Maggie
37. Last received call? Matthew
38. Last IM? I don't "IM"
39. Crushing? in love
40. Life? is fantastic
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
So im writing to you in kind of a drunken splerr but its something that id like a few to know and not all facebook. I find writing helps me cope with my emotions.
I often think that I know myself and who I am, and how strong and capable I am, but then there are many a time that find myself thinking, who am I really?? I have no idea. There are days where I feel so incredibly strong and there are weeks where I feel terrible. I'm thinking to myself what make me mad and upset. Lately I've found it is people that have the things that I want and they do not respect nor cherish them. There are two big things I want in my life, and I know that I would do everything to keep them. But I know that there are also people that have and had them and just act like they didn't mean anything. I think that I am farr to critical to myself. I need to start realizing that I am fine who I am. I do make mistakes and I really get upset with myself that I do. I feel that I can work hard and I shouln't make mistakes. I mean, they doo happen but things I can avoid shouldn't happen. I've got pretty amazing oppourtunities ahead of me but there are things that hold me back. I do owe a lot of money I have, for the most part, put a lot of bills to the side. I felt, though, after I broke up with my ex I needed to spend money on myself. Buying things for myself to make me feel good about how I looked felt really nice. I don't get in trouble for it. I am treated like I am the most important and wonderful person there is. I sure couldnt ask for more!!! When I feel upset or down about myself, I just think about the most amazing person thats came into my life and it turns things around. The best thing is when I tell him I'm feeling ugly, or insecure, or unimportant, he instaltly tries to make me feel the opposite. How could anyone ask for anything more. I swear he's the one. The single person I have always wanted in life. Something special.
I often think that I know myself and who I am, and how strong and capable I am, but then there are many a time that find myself thinking, who am I really?? I have no idea. There are days where I feel so incredibly strong and there are weeks where I feel terrible. I'm thinking to myself what make me mad and upset. Lately I've found it is people that have the things that I want and they do not respect nor cherish them. There are two big things I want in my life, and I know that I would do everything to keep them. But I know that there are also people that have and had them and just act like they didn't mean anything. I think that I am farr to critical to myself. I need to start realizing that I am fine who I am. I do make mistakes and I really get upset with myself that I do. I feel that I can work hard and I shouln't make mistakes. I mean, they doo happen but things I can avoid shouldn't happen. I've got pretty amazing oppourtunities ahead of me but there are things that hold me back. I do owe a lot of money I have, for the most part, put a lot of bills to the side. I felt, though, after I broke up with my ex I needed to spend money on myself. Buying things for myself to make me feel good about how I looked felt really nice. I don't get in trouble for it. I am treated like I am the most important and wonderful person there is. I sure couldnt ask for more!!! When I feel upset or down about myself, I just think about the most amazing person thats came into my life and it turns things around. The best thing is when I tell him I'm feeling ugly, or insecure, or unimportant, he instaltly tries to make me feel the opposite. How could anyone ask for anything more. I swear he's the one. The single person I have always wanted in life. Something special.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
you take my breath away. you're a super nova
that night.
everything meant something.
wrapped around your arms.
your entire body behind me;
pulling me closer into your chest.
kissing my neck.
pulling my hair from my face.
biting on, breathing in and whispering "i love you" into my ear.
me grazing my cheek against yours.
feeling closer to heaven than i've ever been.
two people but at that moment just one.
meant to be.
taking each others breath away.
by just one kiss.
<3 <3 <3
everything meant something.
wrapped around your arms.
your entire body behind me;
pulling me closer into your chest.
kissing my neck.
pulling my hair from my face.
biting on, breathing in and whispering "i love you" into my ear.
me grazing my cheek against yours.
feeling closer to heaven than i've ever been.
two people but at that moment just one.
meant to be.
taking each others breath away.
by just one kiss.
<3 <3 <3
Monday, December 20, 2010
that smile.
I have writers block.
I have no emotion that I feel. I hate not having things to write about. I was hoping to start this blog with lots of things to write about, but it seems as though I don't. I'm hoping something will come along that will inspire me. Maybe I need to do a rant. I do have a lot of things to rant about. But, then again, I am on a mission of Self Improvement, and one of my weakness's that I'm working on is being judegmental and quick to be angered. I, at least, am aware of it and I guess the best I can do is realize when it's beginnning to happen and what I can do to better it.
Well i've nothing much to really write about.
I hope to stop in tomrrow
much love (to basically only you ma, since you the only one who reads this)
I have no emotion that I feel. I hate not having things to write about. I was hoping to start this blog with lots of things to write about, but it seems as though I don't. I'm hoping something will come along that will inspire me. Maybe I need to do a rant. I do have a lot of things to rant about. But, then again, I am on a mission of Self Improvement, and one of my weakness's that I'm working on is being judegmental and quick to be angered. I, at least, am aware of it and I guess the best I can do is realize when it's beginnning to happen and what I can do to better it.
Well i've nothing much to really write about.
I hope to stop in tomrrow
much love (to basically only you ma, since you the only one who reads this)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
My name is Elizabeth Anne Foster. I was brought into the wonderful world on July 25, 1990 in Canmore, AB. My amazing mother raised me, alone, in Canmore for a year and some until we ventured back east where she was from. She then decided Quebec was not a province she wanted to stay in so we boogied back west. It wasn't until 1993 that we discovered the Columbia Valley, and fell in love. We both still reside here. Obviously my mums love for nature and outdoor activities kept her here. The mountains captivated her heart and this became home.
It wasn't until a year ago that I found the stronger side of myself. I fell into a hole three years ago. It could have been the break-up of my mum and step dad, the ignorance of this town, or my arrogance and conceitedness. It may have been all three. Nevertheless I am becoming stronger day by day and feeling happier with myself. I am overcoming things I thought impossible, and my mind is thinking more positively. I am beginning to understand who I am and where I belong. I know where I stand with myself and what I expect from others around me. I am tired of this town bringing gossip, and drama into my life and I am going to change it. I know that I am possible and I know that I have the straight and the support.
I have been with my boyfriend for 9 months now and it had definitely had it's ups and it's downs, but, personally, I have found this relationship has a lot more strengths than my previous one. We can express our feelings and we love each other for who we each are. He makes me feel like one in a million. Like a perfect person. To me, he IS perfect. We do our best to overcome every obstacle the world throws at us and we make the best out of every situation together. It's simply beautiful. We both are faithful, true, honest, and our communication between each other is wonderful. I couldn't have asked for a better person who tries so hard to make sure that this is going to work. I believe in relationships that both people need to put in as much effort at the other person. If one puts in more it's becomes off balance and that's where things start to wobble and become uneasy. It's like a teeter-totter. If someone weighs more than the other it won't work. In other words the more effort(weight) a person is putting in the more the teeter-totter is going to be tottering in their direction. A relationship is an amazing thing. It's having a best friend around always. Someone who will think the world of you and make you feel like the Eiffel tower when you feel like an ant. A relationship should not belittle you.
My mum is my guardian angel. Even though she isn't always around and she doesn't always know what I'm doing, I just know that she is always there watching me and guiding me. She is the most beautiful and gentle person I know. We have this super strong connection and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I feel bad for how I treated her when I was a teenager. It may be something that most teens do, but I shouldn't have. Sometimes I think back and wish I would have been more willing to listen and take in everything that she told me. Everything that she had said would happen has or is happening right now. Sometimes, though, maybe, it takes making mistakes before you do realize the truths. It's a shame that we can't just trust and believe what our parents have to say, since they are, for the most part, right. Though, also as i have gotten older, I have learned that we need to make mistakes and do wrong things in order to learn what hurts and what makes us strong. parents are the mountains that we look at each and every day. They had to start somewhere. They were not always strong and they went always big, capable, and they couldn't withstand the strong winds that life threw at them. Mothers are so amazing. Even if they aren't your birth mothers. They are strong, capable and willing to put "you" first. They are everything. A woman with such a strength deserves a lot, and you are everything to them. Prove your capability 'for they'll always be there.
My dad, he's not my "birth father" but as far as I know he is the father that made and forever will be. When my mum and I moved to BC things, in no doubt, were not easy. But she met an amazing man that changed my life FOREVER! He is known as, George Duncan Barr. In my eyes, the most amazing and strong willed man I've EVER known. My mother and I were living in "Dry Gulch. I don't remember much, 'nor which exact age or month that they met. I was only about 3. I do remember slight memories of me calling to ma, "hey mommy, George is here." Shortly after they moved in together and I began calling him my dad. As far as I know he is my dad, and a damn good one too. We definitely had our disagreements and struggles with our relationship and I think it was probably because he was too straight up about life and I didn't want to agree with him or admit that he was right. Now that I'm older I am starting to respect him and listen to everything that he suggests. I've learned that it was only for my better being. I wish that I saw him more than I do. Our schedules just don't work out very well together. I'm sure even with the lack of communication between us lately, I think we've actually become closer and better friends. I couldn't ask for any better of a father. He is hard working, strong willed and has a great sense of humour. He means everything to me.
Since high school to now I've learned so many things and realized that many things that I cared about in high school were practically meaningless and non of them really affected me now. Now I am twenty and I am so proud of myself. I've overcome so many struggles and obstacles and gone so far. I've grown up so much and used my mistakes to my advantage. I am happier than I have ever been and it is only getting better. I'm beginning to love life and realize what it has to offer me is in my control. Life only throws things at me that I let happen, and instead of wallowing in self-pity and becoming depressed I stand tall and get myself through it. If I put my mind to things I know I'll go far. Life, I've realized, is what we make it. If we decide it's going to be wonderful, it will turn out just that way.
My name is Elizabeth Anne Foster. I was brought into the wonderful world on July 25, 1990 in Canmore, AB. My amazing mother raised me, alone, in Canmore for a year and some until we ventured back east where she was from. She then decided Quebec was not a province she wanted to stay in so we boogied back west. It wasn't until 1993 that we discovered the Columbia Valley, and fell in love. We both still reside here. Obviously my mums love for nature and outdoor activities kept her here. The mountains captivated her heart and this became home.
It wasn't until a year ago that I found the stronger side of myself. I fell into a hole three years ago. It could have been the break-up of my mum and step dad, the ignorance of this town, or my arrogance and conceitedness. It may have been all three. Nevertheless I am becoming stronger day by day and feeling happier with myself. I am overcoming things I thought impossible, and my mind is thinking more positively. I am beginning to understand who I am and where I belong. I know where I stand with myself and what I expect from others around me. I am tired of this town bringing gossip, and drama into my life and I am going to change it. I know that I am possible and I know that I have the straight and the support.
I have been with my boyfriend for 9 months now and it had definitely had it's ups and it's downs, but, personally, I have found this relationship has a lot more strengths than my previous one. We can express our feelings and we love each other for who we each are. He makes me feel like one in a million. Like a perfect person. To me, he IS perfect. We do our best to overcome every obstacle the world throws at us and we make the best out of every situation together. It's simply beautiful. We both are faithful, true, honest, and our communication between each other is wonderful. I couldn't have asked for a better person who tries so hard to make sure that this is going to work. I believe in relationships that both people need to put in as much effort at the other person. If one puts in more it's becomes off balance and that's where things start to wobble and become uneasy. It's like a teeter-totter. If someone weighs more than the other it won't work. In other words the more effort(weight) a person is putting in the more the teeter-totter is going to be tottering in their direction. A relationship is an amazing thing. It's having a best friend around always. Someone who will think the world of you and make you feel like the Eiffel tower when you feel like an ant. A relationship should not belittle you.
My mum is my guardian angel. Even though she isn't always around and she doesn't always know what I'm doing, I just know that she is always there watching me and guiding me. She is the most beautiful and gentle person I know. We have this super strong connection and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I feel bad for how I treated her when I was a teenager. It may be something that most teens do, but I shouldn't have. Sometimes I think back and wish I would have been more willing to listen and take in everything that she told me. Everything that she had said would happen has or is happening right now. Sometimes, though, maybe, it takes making mistakes before you do realize the truths. It's a shame that we can't just trust and believe what our parents have to say, since they are, for the most part, right. Though, also as i have gotten older, I have learned that we need to make mistakes and do wrong things in order to learn what hurts and what makes us strong. parents are the mountains that we look at each and every day. They had to start somewhere. They were not always strong and they went always big, capable, and they couldn't withstand the strong winds that life threw at them. Mothers are so amazing. Even if they aren't your birth mothers. They are strong, capable and willing to put "you" first. They are everything. A woman with such a strength deserves a lot, and you are everything to them. Prove your capability 'for they'll always be there.
My dad, he's not my "birth father" but as far as I know he is the father that made and forever will be. When my mum and I moved to BC things, in no doubt, were not easy. But she met an amazing man that changed my life FOREVER! He is known as, George Duncan Barr. In my eyes, the most amazing and strong willed man I've EVER known. My mother and I were living in "Dry Gulch. I don't remember much, 'nor which exact age or month that they met. I was only about 3. I do remember slight memories of me calling to ma, "hey mommy, George is here." Shortly after they moved in together and I began calling him my dad. As far as I know he is my dad, and a damn good one too. We definitely had our disagreements and struggles with our relationship and I think it was probably because he was too straight up about life and I didn't want to agree with him or admit that he was right. Now that I'm older I am starting to respect him and listen to everything that he suggests. I've learned that it was only for my better being. I wish that I saw him more than I do. Our schedules just don't work out very well together. I'm sure even with the lack of communication between us lately, I think we've actually become closer and better friends. I couldn't ask for any better of a father. He is hard working, strong willed and has a great sense of humour. He means everything to me.
Since high school to now I've learned so many things and realized that many things that I cared about in high school were practically meaningless and non of them really affected me now. Now I am twenty and I am so proud of myself. I've overcome so many struggles and obstacles and gone so far. I've grown up so much and used my mistakes to my advantage. I am happier than I have ever been and it is only getting better. I'm beginning to love life and realize what it has to offer me is in my control. Life only throws things at me that I let happen, and instead of wallowing in self-pity and becoming depressed I stand tall and get myself through it. If I put my mind to things I know I'll go far. Life, I've realized, is what we make it. If we decide it's going to be wonderful, it will turn out just that way.
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